いつまで続くWindows Mobile?

■WinMo 6.6 may hit in Feb, Archos phone tablet, Sprint cuts Unlimited Plan price

The Archos Phone Tablet was one of the devices that didn’t show up at CES as many had expected. The device is apparently on the way now, if you can believe a case manufacturer that lists it as coming soon. This wouldn’t be the first time a case manufacturer outed a mobile phone.

Sprint has announced that it has reduced the cost of its Unlimited 3G/4G mobile data plan by $10 per month. You still get only 5GB of data each month, which is hardly unlimited.

2004年(2005年?)に始まったWindows Mobile 5。今や時は2010年。WM5⇒WM6⇒WM6.1⇒WM6.5の系譜。 次はWM7かと思いきや、WM6.6!! 代わり映えのしない時代遅れのOS・・・ いつまで続くんでしょうね〜 (・_・?