Safari for Windows Mobile


Safari for Windows Mobile released

Yes, now you can enjoy Safari in Windows Mobile, the same browser that iPhone has, here side by side comparison (here: desktop version of CNN website in HTC Touch Diamond and in Apple iPhone 3G):

More information about Iris:

Iris Browser・for Windows Mobileョ 5 & 6 is now available for free download! Simply register with us by providing your name and contact information and download the CAB to your PC or directly to your phone. Then follow along as Torch Mobile makes regular improvements to the browser, adding new features, making it faster, and generally improving the user experience.

Please remember that this is early preview software

Our impressions: it is rendering web pages exactly the same as Safari for iPhone but is slower, what may change after final version will be relesaed.

早速、ダウンロード開始♪ ん? Iris Browser? 速度が遅いの?! とりあえず試してみよっと。