LGからWindows Mobileデバイスの噂 9月にリリースの予定


■More LG Windows Mobile Smartphone information received

Ok guys - I know you love to hear the latest rumors as much as I do too and today we've received some more reliable information about LG's new Windows Mobile smartphone which we haven't heard anything anymore since the 3GSM World Congress back in February. But today I got the word that we can expect a semi-exclusive cross-European launch in September already and I got confirmed that it is Windows Mobile 6 Professional (for sure) as well as UMTS. Maybe also HSDPA which isn't confirmed yet (by the way - the supported GSM and UMTS bands are also unknown yet).

を?! UMTS対応のProfessionalエディション!! (^^

追記)どこかでみたような〜? と思ったらこれでした。(^^ゞ


もういっちょ (^^;

■LGから「iPhoneそっくり」のプラダフォン KE850