
別の所で読んだ記事では意味が判りませんでしたが、どうやら英語版のJasjarのアップデータのつもりで、アラビック版のロムを誤まって配布した為、アップデートしてしまった英語ユーザーはなんじゃこりゃぁ〜〜!!の状態に・・・ 英語版に戻す為のROMは来週の予定らしいです。

◆msmobile.com [Confusion around i-mate JasJar ROM Update + lack of support for this phone in club i-mate forums]

i-mate has released the anticipated firmware update for the i-mate JasJar this week, which was supposed to bring added stability along with fax support.

Unfortunately, they released the Arabic version by mistake which, when installed over the worldwide English version, did not enhance the unit, but either killed it completely (i.e. turned it in to a brick) or converted it to an Arabic version, with right to left text etc and Arabic writing.

i-mate have since pulled the update, but say that they will not be releasing the English update until next week at the earliest and that users should "sit tight" until then!

寝ている間に事件は収束へと向かっていたようです。ZZZzzz...(ーー)お知らせ頂きまして有難うございまぁ〜す。m(__)m 現在、朝6:00眠いです。

◆msmobile.com [Revival of i-mate JASJAR back to English version possible : ROM upgrade available, but ...]

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