
Palm Treo750のWindows Mobile 6のアップグレードは?

■Where is Palm's announced Windows Mobile 6 upgrade for the Treo 750? http://www.theunwired.net/?itemid=3970 Following my earlier rant about HTC's Windows Mobile 6 upgrade availability I got a good amount of E-Mails where you guys asked wh…

HTC AsiaからWM6アップグレード

■HTC: Upgrading to Windows Mobile 6 http://www.asia.htc.com/asia/event/WM6/index.html やっと始まりました〜♪ \(^−^/ 追記)と思ったらROMはダウンロード出来てないぽい? (==;

ドイツ T-MobileからHTC Kaiser

■T-Mobile Germany announces the HTC Kaiser as T-Mobile MDA Vario III http://www.theunwired.net/?itemid=3975 Here we go - I was right when I said that T-Mobile's previously unveiled MDA Vario III will be most likely the HTC Kaiser. Today, T…