


SlingboxがWindows Mobile 6に対応!?

■Sling Media is Beta testing its WM 6 compatible SlingPlayer Mobile http://www.theunwired.net/?itemid=3887 The word is out - Sling Media is working on a Windows Mobile 6 compatible SlingPlayer Mobile player and invites users with the right…

6月5日にHTCからElfが! ■HTC May Unveil iPhone-Type Smartphone on June 5 http://www.brighthand.com/default.asp?newsID=13060 HTC -- the company behind many of the most popular Windows mobile smartphones -- has scheduled a big announcement fo…


昨夜は1:30に寝て、起きたのが4:30・・・ 今から準備して出張です。1泊2日・・・ うぅぅぅ